Community news
Walking trail splits community

A WALKING trail of 20km connecting Moorook and Kingston-On-Murray has divided the community, with some residents praising the project and potential tourism it will attract, while others cite privacy and security issues along the proposed trail site.
The trail was recently approved by the District Council of Loxton Waikerie (DCLW) to begin, with “appropriate” risk and traffic assessments by council staff to be conducted.
In 2018, the Moorook Kingston-On-Murray Community Association (MKOMCA) received $235,880 for the Moorook Ecotourism Project through the Murray-Darling Basin Economic Development Program to create a 20km walking trail, connecting Moorook with Kingston-On-Murray.
Despite Moorook falling in the Cobdogla-Barmera funding area, the group received support from the DCLW to complete the application process.
At its December 2019 meeting, the DCLW resolved to provide in-principle support for an application to DEW crown lands for a license for the trail – subject to community consultation results.
Following the public consultation, the MKOMCA committee considered the 10 submissions it received and concluded no issues were raised that would require changing the planned route, but matters raised in the responses included:
- security
- privacy
- devaluation
- flooding of trail sections (sections below the 1956 flood line)
- ongoing maintenance, management and safety
- risks to pump and pipeline installations
- existing fencing/access
- Aboriginal sites.
A petition, signed by over 60 Moorook and Kingston-On-Murray residents, was also submitted to the MKOMCA
The petition – preceded by a three-page submission on behalf of the group stating concerns and other options – was presented to the MKOMCA following a community meeting between residents in early March 2020.
The petition stated:
“… the undersigned do not object to walking trails but strongly object to and have grave concerns about the location of the proposed walking trail that is planned.
“The trail is set to be established on the western side of Wachtels Lagoon in the Moorook Game Reserve, that will pass directly in front of and in close proximity to residents on their land.
“Other areas of concern are the trail from Moorook to the Moorook Game Reserve and from the Moorook Game Reserve to Kingston-On-Murray.”
Despite the negative public feedback received regarding the trail location, the DCLW recently consented to commencement of the walking trail to begin, with “appropriate” risk and traffic assessments by council staff, and to assist the MKOMCA in its negotiations with the DEW crown lands and DPTI.
Stage one of the proposed trail will begin soon, covering a section of the Moorook Recreation Grounds and nearby DCLW road reserve.
The trail design and map – along with community submissions and the full petition – can be seen on the DCLW website (

Community comments:
Awesome outcome to receiving the grant funding. A fa

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