Community news
RYT’s callout for new, young board members

YOUNG Riverlanders with an enthusiasm for performing arts have been encouraged to join the governing board of a local theatre company.
Riverland Youth Theatre (RYT) is currently seeking two locals – aged between 18 and 26 – to become members of the organisation’s board
Outgoing RYT creative producer Danyon De Buell said having a young influence on the board was integral to the organisation.
“We need to have young people that can inform the board, (and) not just the young people we work with or our staff,” Ms De Buell said.
“It’s also about successions as well, because those young people then stay on the board and they can be the mentors to the next generation of young members.
“You can’t have a youth arts organisation with a board of governance without having young people being heard on the board.”
Ms De Buell said young board members developed an understanding of how to govern a non-profit organisation.
“You don’t necessarily need to have a love of the arts, but obviously that helps,” she said.
“You might want to get on the board for your own professional development, to see how a board of governance works.
“RYT has a history of good governance and we’ve been well known for it.”
Ms De Buell said young Riverlanders interested in any arts discipline could apply to join the board.
“You might be passionate about visual arts, because that’s still part of theatre,” she said.
“Whether it’s acting, writing, or stage design, being involved with RYT helps young people develop so many skills and self-confidence.”
Riverlanders between the age of 18 and 26 interested in joining the RYT board are encouraged to contact the company office on 8586 3437.
Further information is available by visiting the website (

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