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PIRSA confirms cold is killing fish

A STATE Government department is blaming cold weather for killing more fish washed up on the shores of Barmera’s Lake Bonney in the past week.
Hundreds of bony bream have died in the lake following low overnight temperatures, including several days with subzero minimums.
A Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA) spokesperson said the department had received several reports of fish-kill incidents in Barmera.
“The department historically receives reports during the winter period of dead bony bream, as they are a species susceptible to cold weather events…” they said.
“With low overnight temperatures recorded in the area in the past week, it is believed to be once again the cause behind this latest event.
“In general, fish-kill events can be brought on by a variety of causes including environmental factors such as temperature, rainfall – or lack of – and water quality including salinity or oxygen levels, disease or pollutants.
“PIRSA would like to remind people that if they notice something unusual in the area or elsewhere along the river to contact Fishwatch on 1800 065 522.
“Reports of fish kills can also be made through the SA Fishing app.”
Despite the temperature of shallow water being significantly affected by cold weather, bony bream typically remain in the shallow water instead of moving to deeper water, according to PIRSA.
The department is also advising fish be left on Lake Bonney’s shore, as they provide food for birds and put nutrients back into the ecosystem.

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