Community news
Petition circulates Riverland

A PETITION supporting the voluntary euthanasia bill currently in State Parliament has collected nearly 300 signatures across the Riverland in the past week, following information distribution in Waikerie and Renmark, and an event forum in Berri.
The petition for Voluntary Assisted Dying 2020 (VAD) collected over 80 signatures at Waikerie last Wednesday.
“We do get detractors on social media, but at meetings and petition signature collections, people are always very supportive,” said local spokesperson and VAD advocate Jan Kemble.
“Another set of advocates collected over 200 signatures during two days at the Renmark Plaza last week, and a meeting held at Berri on Sunday had a really good response.
“The VAD petition has had very little direct negativity throughout the Riverland despite anyone’s personal opinions. People know this is a sensitive issue, and those on the fence who have decided to come forward and ask questions have always been respectful.”
The VAD 2020 Bill was introduced by Labor in State Parliament last December, and petitions supporting the Bill are currently circulating the Riverland.
Mrs Kemble was a speaker at the Berri Hotel meeting on Sunday, sharing her reasons for supporting the Bill and sad losses of family and friends she believed would have benefitted from VAD.
She started the petitions earlier this year, targeting Member for Chaffey Tim Whetstone, who voted against a voluntary euthanasia bill in 2016. Mr Whetstone was invited to the Berri Hotel event, but did not attend due to a prior commitment.
“A lot of supporters came to the meeting to listen and share stories, ask questions,” she said. “We were also aware that a few people in the crowd were on the fence about the Bill, but no one spoke up.

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