Community news
Peake Terrace progression: tree removal and footpath install

ROADWORKS are set to begin on Waikerie’s Peake Terrace as part of the town’s long-awaited CBD revitalisation plan this week, with median strip and footpath extension at the top of the list.
District Council of Loxton Waikerie (DCLW) project manager Daniel Brown said the Peake Terrace works were the number one priority that came out of public consultation on the Waikerie CBD revitalisation plan.
“We’re doing minimal work on the western side of the terrace; the majority of the work is extension of the median and the footpath on the eastern side of the road,” he said.
“We’re now in the process of commencing some construction, which will start this week.
“We’re ordering materials for the works.
“We’re planning to do a continuous strip down the middle of the road, and extending the sidewalk out on the eastern side.
“Council has worked through approval process with DPTI to do it, as Peake Terrace is a DPTI road.
“The objective is to create a link between the Waikerie CBD and the river front, which is why we’re extending the footpath and bringing it from the Leonard Normal Drive entrance up to McCoy Street.”
Power line undergrounding was completed on Peake Terrace late last year, and works were put on hold as the Waikerie Delivers Committee discussed the footpath options.
“It’s taken some time to get to this point following the PLEC works, but we’re now looking at three options for the footpath: hot mix, asphalt and paving,” Mr Brown said.
“We will hopefully find out about these prices in the next month and go from there.”
Mr Brown said several diseased trees will be removed during this time.
“There’s only a few trees being removed; several are quite diseased and damaged, and they’ll be getting replaced,” he said.
“The Christmas tree isn’t one of the trees being removed. We’re doing a very small amount of work in that corner.”

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