Community news
New look for table tennis players

A LOCAL sporting club’s ability to continue running through COVID-19 restrictions has seen it receive new grant funding from a national body.
The Renmark Table Tennis Association was the recent recipient of $1500 in funding from Table Tennis Australia’s 2020 Equipment and Facilities Grant Program.
Renmark Table Tennis Association president Dennis Robinson said the funding enabled the club to produce team shirts for its players.
“Under COVID restrictions a lot of clubs weren’t playing, but we got up and got stuck into it straight away because we wanted to (utilise) our new facilities,” Mr Robinson said.
“Table Tennis Australia picked up on that, then we were successful in getting a grant for all our shirts.
“Table Tennis Australia has sponsored all our affiliated players with shirts and has recognised us for what we’ve done.
“We’re the only country club to get the grant, and Woodville was the only other club in South Australia to get it.”
Mr Robinson said accessibility to the sport for all ages, plus improved local facilities, had seen the popularity of table tennis increase among Riverlanders during COVID-19 restrictions.
“Part of it has been the keenness of the club members to (upgrade) a facility that would have seen us non-existent within a year,” he said.
“Table tennis is a great sport because you can play it at any age. Getting older is all about trying to keep active and the mind working, and table tennis is the perfect sport for that.”
For further information and inquiries regarding the Renmark Table Tennis Association contact 0427 971 523 or visit the Facebook page (

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