Community news
Loxton’s waste disposal station’s million-dollar upgrades

LOXTON’S River Vessel Waste Disposal Station is expected to undergo a $1.3 million upgrade, thanks to State Government funding.
The upgrades will see the installation of new piling, a floating platform, a gangway and a new septic system which will be connected to the Loxton sewerage system, at the Loxton station, allowing it to take both grey and black water.
The new additions will also increase pumping capacity and accommodate vessels up to 80 tonnes – a feature other stations are generally not designed to do.
“The stations, including this one at Loxton, enable boats to pump out sewage and grey water, reducing the risk of pollutants getting into the river, including disease-causing bacteria such as E. coli and nutrients that can cause algal blooms,” said Tim Whetstone, Member for Chaffey.
“Waste disposal stations play a vital role in maintaining the health of the River Murray, (and) these facilities are vital for our houseboat operators who play a key role in maintaining a sustainable tourism industry in our region.”
The Loxton river vessel on the River Murray is the eleventh waste disposal station to be upgraded in recent years.
District Council of Loxton Waikerie CEO David Beaton said the upgrades would not only be good for Loxton houseboat owners, but for commercial operators as well.
“It’s for more than just the Loxton (houseboat owners), it’s for the ones travelling along the river to be able to go from wherever they are to wherever in other regions,” he said.
“It’s about being able to traverse along the river, stay some nights, get rid of their waste water and continue on their journey.”
The station will be temporarily closed to operators from May 15 to October 30, with alternative waste disposal facilities to be provided.
The upgrades are expected to be completed by the end of the year.

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