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Loxton High sharks create incredible pitches

LOXTON High School’s business students put their entrepreneurial minds to the test by delivering showcases and pitches for interesting business ideas.
The school took part in the annual national Shark Tank competition, which encourages students to develop business ideas and pitch designs to judges, who choose an overall winner.
Loxton High’s strong entrepreneurial programs help students develop a mindset and range of skills to successfully prepare them for their futures in the workforce, regardless if they develop their own start-ups or work for others.
Yeah 11 students Mitchell Koop and Thomas Nitschke and year 10 students Jarra Gibbs, Jasmine Schubert and Talita de Wet were the school winners and each enjoyed working on their projects.
“When we chose our business idea, we wanted to do something that identified with a problem in our region,” Jarra said.
“The girls and I developed a solution to today’s silo bag environmental issues.
“We created a prototype for a reusable silo bag which would benefit the grains, farmers and environment, and limit plastic waste.
“We interviewed local farmers to get their opinion and that was a huge help.
“Plastic is a big problem in the farming industry and we want to stop it.
“Our idea is for our silo bags to have layers and a zip, because today’s silo bags need to be cut and you can only use it once.
“The issue means something to us and we were proud of our efforts.”
Meanwhile, Mitchell said he and Thomas’ idea came about after the bushfires hit Australia.
“When the bushfires hit, they were terrible, and we wanted to come up with a way to extinguish a fire faster and efficiently,” he said.
“We came up with the idea of making a ball that has combined chemical in it to kill a fire.
“The ball would be thrown at a fire and expand from its smaller size.
“Thomas’ dad is a fireman so we had a few connections who helped us out.”

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