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Home exercises with Lochie Biele: Part 3

HOME isolation can be challenging for frequent gym-goers, since gyms are closed and movement outside is limited.
However, local personal trainer Lochie Biele says many exercises can be done in the comfort of one’s living room.
This week, Lochie has provided upper-body workouts for locals to perform at home.
Do four sets of 10 reps for each exercise.
1. Seated dip: Use a stable chair, the edge of your couch, a ledge or end of your bed, and place your hands near your bottom. Keep your legs straight, slide off the edge and bend your arms to 90 degrees then push up.
2. Incline push-ups: Again, use the edge of something stable, place your hands shoulder width apart, bend down and push up. Ensure to keep your torso straight.
3. Shoulder press: In this exercise you can use anything heavy – book, broom, water bottle or even your pet. Hold the weight at your chest and push it above your head.
4. Bent over rows: Grab a shopping bag and fill it up with weights. Bend over forward and pull the bag to your tummy then straighten your arms.
5. Tricep extensions: Holding the same shopping bag above your head, straighten your arms and then bend them and lower the bag behind your head.
Safety tip: Ensure to maintain good posture, engage your core and keep your back straight.
For more fitness tips, contact Lochie on 0497 426 027, via email at or follow him on Instagram @lachlanbiele.

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