Community news
Councillors vote to extend waste collection contract

A LOCAL council will temporarily extend its waste-collection contract as local governments across the region band together to seek reduced costs and improved service efficiency.
At their most recent monthly meeting, Berri Barmera Council elected members endorsed an extension of council’s existing waste collection and disposal contract with Cleanaway until August 31, 2022.
Council, as part of a joint procurement with other councils in the Murraylands and Riverland Local Government Association (MRLGA), is expected to undertake a tender process for its kerbside waste services throughout 2021 as part of the MRLGA Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy.
Rawtec consultants Kristian Le Gallou and Mark Rawson, who will be assisting in the joint procurement, gave a deputation at the meeting and provided an indicative timeline for the process.
The tender is expected to include pricing for base services, plus possible alternatives including weekly collection of organics and fortnightly collection of general waste and recycling, and fortnightly collection of all three waste streams.
The consultants said council would be able to transition to alternative collections during the term of the contract.
Mr Rawson told elected members the tender would also seek “non-conforming responses” that present innovative waste collection solutions.

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