Cadell Pistol Club stars right on target

A RIVERLAND West pistol club is targeting success by reaching the highest level of achievement through a program that aims to grow strong sport and recreation clubs across the state.
The Cadell Pistol Club (CPC) is the fourth club in the Mid Murray region – and the 21st across the Murraylands – to achieve its new status through the award-winning Murraylands Starclub initiative.
The Starclub program was created to assist sports clubs where quality coaches and officials could work with volunteers in safe and welcoming environments.
CPC president Kevin Myers said the club had invested “significant” work to progress through the program, and was already seeing the benefits.
“We may be a small club, but the Starclub program has been a great help in taking us to the next level,” he said.
“Our coaches and volunteers are the lifeblood of the CPC and the training and assistance we have received will ensure we are in a position as a club to offer the best to our members and continue to grow into the future.
“Cadell has become a destination club with a reputation as a welcoming, vibrant and safe place for recreational shooters, and we’re proud of that achievement.”
Murraylands STARCLUB field officer Marc Maddaford said he had been “impressed” with the commitment of the club’s work towards its new status.
“The club has made significant improvements in recent years to upgrade its governance, financial processes, accessibility, child safety frameworks, and other aspects of administration,” he said.
“In particular, the CPC has taken great steps to ensure it supports coaches and volunteers with training opportunities, providing a strong foundation for future growth.”
For more information on the Cadell Pistol Club, contact

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