Community news
A pirate’s life for the Waikerie Children’s Centre

TINY tots dusted off their eyepatches, hooks, and hats to support children living with cancer – and a local children’s centre recorded its biggest treasure trove yet.
The Waikerie Children’s Centre (WCC) held Talk Like a Pirate Day last week, raising $730.43 across two days for the national Childhood Cancer Support charity organisation.
WCC assistant director Lisa Fechner said the donations were a “huge increase” on previous years.
“We are very excited to have raised such a substantial amount of money that will have such a positive impact on so many children and their families’ lives,” she said.
“A huge thank you to our families and our community for supporting the Waikerie Children Centre to raise funds for the Childhood Cancer Foundation.
“Educators and children had so much fun dressing up as pirates, singing, dancing and making pirate crafts as we celebrated Talk Like a Pirate Day.”
To donate to Talk Like A Pirate Day to raise money for the Childhood Cancer Foundation, visit

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